Our class has been doing a poetry unit in school. During this class we learned how to write different types of poems, such as haikus which are poems with 17 or less syllables. Each of us chose our 2 favorite poems:
Summer Fields: A Haiku
In the green grass fields
Staring up at the clouds
Plants already bloomed
By the Square House
Twisting and turning,
wrinkled and old
Its arms reach so high
Throwing sticks,
getting caught in its grasp
trying to get down
A sweet, elderly woman,
who owned the square house
left to unbeknownst land
My friend and I would spend all day,
playing games around its stump
losing track of time
But then there was a new family,
who owned the square house
came from unbeknownst land
One day,
we went out to play
but found only a stump
Our beloved tree was gone
Then we moved on,
left the memories behind
and continued forward
The friend I knew that held the same memories,
flew to an far away land,
where lions sleep, in the desert array
I wondered and walked,
in a swirling daze
and found myself back at the stump
I sat down on the former tree,
and put my head in my knees